Two are better than one...

Like so many of us, I spend too much time on Facebook. I do love bouncing about and seeing what everyone else deems post-worthy.  The pics, the videos, the political tirades… I could get lost forever.  But nothing moves me more than relationship status updates.  Once I posted a pic of myself with a buxom mannequin with a message that stated, “Paisley Yankolovich is in a relationship” and someone I dated ONCE wrote me and let me have it. (Uh, it  was a mannequin, a joke). That’s when I knew I was not the only one who read these with great delight. (I did the same thing with a Tigger doll and someone refused to go out with me because of it, lol, lmao, roflmao)

Let’s be fair, we love to know the relationship others because we want something good to happen to them , something bad to happen to them  or we wonder when it’s our turn. Yup, I admit that I romanticize, fantasize and criticize every time I read one day, “In a relationship” then the next day,  “Single”, then the next, “It’s complicated.”  I would be very hard-pressed to announce the updates of my personal life with pretty much anyone let alone, everyone.

I will say that by the looks of my ring finger, “Paisley Yankolovich is single” (but don‘t let the finger fool ya), in regards to Jesus, “Paisley Yankolovich is in a relationship and it’s complicated.” (lol, lmao, roflmao, jk)

For those not in the know, these blogs are inspired by the opening line of one of my recorded treasures. I actually wrote TWO to sing at my wedding. The song survived better than the marriage. But as far as ultimately finding a God-given life mate… I must quote the opening line of a different song: “Wouldn’t it be nice?”

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